The Wage Gap For Latina Workers Is Still 54 Cents That’S Troubling.


The Wage Gap For Latina Workers Is Still 54 Cents That’S Troubling.

The Wage Gap For Latina Workers Is Still 54 Cents That’S Troubling.

Because these findings are based on a community-based sample of Latina women, future research is needed to investigate if these types of attributions persist among clinical samples of substance abusing or dependent Latina adults. Perhaps such attributions influence their treatment choice, therapy processes, and treatment outcomes? For instance, a potential congruence between less acculturated, substance abusing adult Latinas’ spiritually and disease model based beliefs and 12-step models may suggest that self-help group attendance could be a culturally congruent treatment component for less acculturated Latina women. The purpose of the current study was to examine whether attributions about addiction in a community-based sample of predominantly immigrant Latina women are associated with socioeconomic and cultural factors, as well as substance use frequency and type. First, a factor analysis indicated that the factor structure of the UAS-3AC items was explained by four underlying types of attributions about addiction.

Afro-Peruvians, constitute a 3.6% of the population, Peru as a Spanish colony in the Conquista has a history of slave trading, from Ghana, Angola, Nigeria, Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Mozambique, and Madagascar. During the colonial period to perform labor work in sugar cane, cotton fields and vineyards, very few of them in gold mines in Cuzco. The Spaniards brought 500 Africans from Guinea as part of the troops for the Conquista by 1531. Today also mulatos and zambos constitute an important part of the population as well, especially in Piura, Tumbes, Lambayeque, Lima and Ica regions. The Afro-Peruvian population is concentrated mostly in coastal cities south of Lima, such as those found in the Ica Region, in cities like Cañete, Chincha, Ica, Nazca and Acarí in the border with the Arequipa Region.

Discussion over self-identification as Chicano/Chicana, Latino/Latina, Mexican Americans, or Hispanics became tied up with deeper disagreements over whether to integrate into or remain separate from mainstream American society. There were divisions between those Mexican Americans whose families had lived in the United States for two or more generations and more recent immigrants, in addition to distinctions from other Hispanic or Latino immigrants from nations in Central and South America with their own distinct cultural traditions. One of the most important events in the history of Mexican settlers in California occurred in 1833, when the Mexican Government secularized the missions.

Of approximately 275,500 new interracial or interethnic marriages in 2010, 43.3% were White-Hispanic (compared to White-Asian at 14.4%, White-Black at 11.9%, and other combinations at 30.4%; «other combinations» consists of pairings between different minority groups, multi-racial people, and American Indians). Unlike those for marriage to Blacks and Asians, intermarriage rates of Hispanics to Whites do not vary by gender.

Programs specifically for Latina immigrants now use an adaptation tactic of teaching, rather than an assimilation ideology to help this population adjust to American life. Programs like these include Casa Latina Programs, providing education on English, workers’ rights, and the consumer culture of America. In a recent article from the International Business Times, Latino immigrant students are falling behind in academic achievements and graduation rates compared to other students. Moreover, these statistics apply to Hispanics that have not recently migrated to the United States, implying that the American education system is not meeting the needs of Latino students as a population. The Institute for Women’s Policy Research shows in a study in 2008, that Latina immigrants residing in Phoenix, Northern Virginia, and Atlanta all have a lower high school completion rates when compared to their male Latino immigrant counterparts.

Furthermore, the share of Latina women earning at or below minimum wage is actually increasing, tripling from 2007 to 2012, and contributing to an overall poverty rate of 27.9% —close to three timesthat of non-Latina white women. For the most part, researchers have concentrated on Caucasian girls and women from middle- to upper-class backgrounds, with few doctors even equipped with the language and questions to ask Latina sufferers. But even though researchers and physicians seem to overwhelmingly disregard Latinas in their work, eating disorders do not discriminate.

Why Become Part Of Our Latina Community?

Although the events of 1836 led to independence for the people of Texas, the Hispanic population of the state was very quickly disenfranchised, to the extent that their political representation in the Texas State Legislature disappeared entirely for several decades. Dominicans are the fifth-largest population of Hispanic origin living in the United States, accounting for 4% of the U.S. Since 2000, the Dominican-origin population has increased 159%, growing from 797,000 to 2.1 million over the period. At the same time, the Dominican foreign-born population living in the U.S. grew by 106%, from 543,800 in 2000 to 1.1 million in 2017. By comparison, Mexicans, the nation’s largest Hispanic origin group, constituted 36.6 million, or 62%, of the Hispanic population in 2017.

The overwhelming majority of Guatemalans are the product of varying degrees of admixture between European ethnic groups and the indigenous peoples of the Americas, known as Amerindians. Guatemalans are also colloquially nicknamed Chapines in otherSpanish-speaking countries of Hispanic America.

This program grew into a one-year leadership development and community service program and today I am so proud to say that over 820 women have graduated from MSL as Peer Leaders! MSL is a life changing experience that has had a profound impact on the lives of so many women who have successfully rebuilt their self-esteem, recovered their pride in their identities as Latina women and re-established their dreams. For 20 years, The Latina Center has been dedicated to improving the Physical, Mental and Spiritual health of Latina women and their families in the Bay Area, specifically in West Contra Costa County. It is my pleasure to share how far we have come, how the organization has evolved throughout the years and where, I believe, we are headed.

Immigrants have influenced today’s culture in America through their practices, art, literature, and more. Latina immigrants have influenced American literature dating back to the 19th century.

Seventeen percent of Latina women receive Medicaid, compared to 9 percent for white women. Hypertension is slightly less prevalent among Latina women, at 29 percent, than among white women, at 31 percent. Latinas are more likely to lack health coverage among America’s uninsured women, with more than 38 percent being uninsured. And while Latina women face significant health challenges, there have been a number of notable improvements.

A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam. It includes «Asian Indian», «Chinese», «Filipino», «Korean», «Japanese», «Vietnamese», and «Other Asian».

In 2012, the poverty rate for Latina women overall was 27.9 percent, compared with the rate for non-Hispanic white women at 10.8 percent. Poverty rates for Latina women, at 27.9 percent, are close to triple those of white women, at 10.8 percent. The number of working-poor Latina women is more than double that of white women, at 13.58 percent, compared with 6.69 percent. According to a 2010 study, the median household wealth of single Latina women is $120, compared with single white women’s median household wealth of $41,500. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 32.2 percent of Latina women work in the service sector, compared with only 20 percent of white women, and service workers are almost 20 percent less likely to have either paid sick leave or retirement benefits.

Much of these differences are grounded in the presence of occupational segregation. Latina workers are far more likely to be found in certain low-wage professions than white men are (and less common in high-wage professions). But, even in professions with more Latina workers, they still are paid less on average than their white male colleagues.Figure Bshows the average wages of Hispanic women and white non-Hispanic men in the 10 most common occupations for Latinas.

Сентябрь 14th, 2020|Рубрики: Новости|